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*it was a fun night. 2002-02-20 1:06 p.m.*

here is what you do:

you make vague plans to get drunk somewhere on campus and after much thought and deliberation decide to drink on the ham center pool tables.

you make up a drinking game. either you or whoever you are with think of a letter. and then the other person thinks of a category. you both think of words in that category that start with that letter, and shout them out at approximately the same time. if you shout out a word, you take a drink. if it's the same word for both of you, you take 2 drinks. if you can't think of a word, you can't take any drinks because you suck. and if you forget what letter you're supposed to be on and yell out something with the wrong letter you have to take 3 drinks.

you get a little bored with this and want other people to play, too. you remember that blackbird likes drunk funk, and the 2 of you decide to go ask her and her roommates if anyone wants to play your drinking game. only retrocarp, who is visiting, expresses anything other than, "oh, i should do my work," and says that she will have a small glass. the small glass is over half rum, and so she gets a little tipsy.

after everyone else has filtered out of the main room to do productive things, you and michael and retrocarp go and talk in front of her room. you continue to drink and also pee a lot. you giggle and make people laugh and tell really weird stories and facts about yourself. dykessent comes out and hangs out for awhile and that's a little weird since you just made all sorts of confessions about her including that she is dykessent. she stays outside for a long time and it is really fun.

mud shows up and you get a little nervous, but he winds up being a good time, too. your drunken lack of balance is very funny.

you all get hungry and go to ihop and you order, "the #3, except instead of sausage gravy on my biscuits, i want nothing," which makes you giggle a lot. you sober up more at ihop, but then on the ride home, you make mud take you home because you feel like you are going to puke. you drink a lot of water and go to bed. your tummy hates you, but you fall asleep. you wake up feeling vomitacious, about 2 hours later, but you just drink more water which makes you feel more vomitacious, but you go back to sleep. another bathroom break or 2 all with water.

you wake up, spend a long time hunting for your glasses and write a diaryland entry.

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