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*A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man. 2002-05-29 7:39 p.m.*

yes, folks, it's entry 500, and what do i have to say for myself?

not a whole lot.

i can't figure out if i've changed at all or for the better or worse in this past year and a few months. journalling is supposed to be about self-discovery, right? not so much of that going on right now. i think when i started this diary i felt on the verge of some big epiphany, and i don't think it's happened yet.

what has happened has been the death of 2 older relatives, the death of cats belonging to both of my parents (my dad called this morning to tell me that his cat marble had died. he got hit by a car, the poor guy), 2 large crushes, a number of medium and small ones (including one on a boy), a 5 month relationship that was mainly wonderful, kissing a friend, friendships growing, some new friendships, lots of alcohol, one pot brownie, 2 people i know attempting suicide, sept. 11th and that big fucking storm, a visit to another state, a semester off of college, 2 jobs, a lot of thinking and not getting very far with that, apparently only one scandal-causing entry, books read, junk bought, music listened to, danced to, laughed at, a few performances, strangeness, boredom, fear, joy... one of the roughest periods in my life, finding myself right on the edge of depression for about half of it, though the other half was spectacular. i guess that's how life goes. i have a chronicle of that time. i feel like the end of this semester and what would have been my graduation and *laughs* going back to being obsessed with neopets like i was when i started this darn thing and yeah, the general calmness of my state of mind kind of brings the whole thing to a nice closure, and it almost makes me want to stop this diary, just to kind of be like, "well, there it was. there's 500 entries from that time of my life, aren't we glad it's over." but i'd just start up another place, and i've abandoned too many other diaries to do that here. i bet this will go on for at least another 500, but who knows. i may give it up and start anew in another format before entry 1000th.

now go. embiggen yourselves. get a diary if you don't have one. without that, you can never have a nostalgic 500th entry, you poor fools. come be a maudlin fool with me. *sniffle*

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