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*a rare case of brakefluid... branfluid... branflavor... 2002-03-26 1:00 a.m.*

it's funny when you kind of just update for the opportunity to use a title.

so, there is a new tattoo possibility, for when i'm spending money and stuff again (just 5 more days guys! i'm so cool!), but it's kind of a group concept and so it has to be something the entirety of the group really wants on each person's body forever so we will have to see.

i just chilled for most of the day. i read a lot. played a lot of online games. james, jennifer connelly, and i watched hedwig and the documentary. oh, so good. so very good. and there was food, yay! and we watched soapdish which was just right for my mood.

now i am getting slightly sleepy, so i think i should go. the best thing about this entry is its title. unless you're a big fan of laundry lists.

(addendum: 2:08 am... i said goodnight to everyone like an hour ago, but i can't sleep, and am feeling weirdly antsy, and i realized i could make this entry slightly more interesting.

last night i had this dream that somehow everyone on the planet knew about this crush that i have (and believe me, i'm surprised they don't), except the crush object. so, yeah, the crush and this big group of new college students were hanging out on that balcony thing on the second floor of college hall and i was coming up the stairs and i heard bruby telling this person that someone had a crush on them, and as he was opening his mouth to tell her who it was, he saw me and our eyes locked, and he said it anyway.

i don't like that i have such a poor opinion of him in my subconscious. i don't really like the boy, i have to be honest. but it's not like any sort of active dislike. we had our friendship, shit went down, there was assholedom on both ends, i'd like to at least have some sort of civility in our relationship. there are days i even miss him. i know we'd probably tear each other's eyes out if we were left alone in a room to try and make up, but i don't like glarings and all that.

though really, in real life, things appear to be getting slightly better. definitely more civil and a little less awkward, even, i think. yay for that.)

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