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*no. i will not boop your nose. i refuse. 2001-05-19 11:46 p.m.*

drums are a good thing. as a drummer's daughter i know. the potluck at the happy house was nice (the soul is back) but the drumming afterwards was better. i unfortunately had had so much to eat that it was uncomfortable to dance or to even just lay on the ground and soak in the music like i like to do.

before we started eating, they had music on and i was dancing and it was so nice. i haven't danced like that in a long time, felt so free. i was even doing the patented new college backing away from things dance. oh so good is dancing.

walking back from michael's car i think i saw james' dad which was quite funny because we were belting out "the stripper song" in that way that michael and i do. but yeah... that means she's back and i'm back and in an hour's time we will have kissed a week ago which shouldn't be as exciting to me as it is, but what can i say i'm gushy.

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