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*my body-ody-ody hurts. 2002-05-11 5:11 a.m.*

it's out it's done and it may be in your box, and if it's not it may be waiting till after queer ball and if it's not there after that and you still want a copy of the special people's club, let me know, or if you don't go to new college and you also want a copy.

so yeah, it's my birthday. and look at the time. hell's yeah.

so i had to restart my birthday because not 20 minutes into it but a motherfucking boy made me cry. but i'm not going to go into it, because i think things have been sorted. and really motherfucking is not a good adjective in that he would never do that. fatherfuck maybe, motherfuck, never.

so i restarted it and my sexy elfmom gave me free reign over her bar. she also kissed me, and hells yeah, i want more of that shit. so all you lovely ladies, it's my birthday, i'm even a little irish, kiss me.

after restarting it all went better, i was social, i did not cry, i danced and danced. crankiness subsided until cranky post ice cream tummy set in. and speaking of that, it's really quite bedtime for this one here, but yes, it's my birthday, and it's going to rock the casbah's socks off, and go to queer ball. 'cause i said so.

(ps: another example of my mom's cuteness:

From: my mom

Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 21:21:33 EDT

Subject: birthday: don't open 'til May 11, 2002

To: [email protected]

This is my favoritest day of my life

it was the day i got the BEST present 22 years ago

thank you

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