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*one two a one two three four. 2004-03-30 9:48 a.m.*

today i need to eat breakfast, write blurbs for leftshoe, vaccuum, feed the cats, send some mail, meet up with some kids from zapp to discuss my idea that i will be in fucking charge of the compilation zine, cash some checks, get my food handler's license, go to olympia, and cuddle puck. i've managed to make coffee (with my brand new first time ever used coffeemaker), drink it, and get caught up on livejournal thus far. i have 2 1/2 hours-ish left for the breakfast, blurbwriting, vaccuuming, feedingfest, but i still have the sneaking suspicion i "won't have time" to vaccuum.

i keep sending people depressive confessional letters. i think if i keep leaking like that i'll be fine.

the other night puck had the distinct pleasure of holding me and telling me to stay as i tried to just fade out of my body. none of this is new, there's just someone willing to sit with me. others have been willing to be there for me in other ways, but puck actually sits it through.

*listening to: billy joel*
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