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*interview* *tests*

*i can't remember if we were lovers or if i just wanted to. 2004-03-17 10:09 a.m.*

sdot makes everything so unclear. and gross. i hate living inside a cold. at least the fever business isn't happening with this one. it's really good to not be at the spice store today though, because otherwise i would probably be sneezing unpleasantly into the garam masala.

yoga plus lifting jars and boxes and always moving is giving me my body back, so that's exciting. my cock broke the other night, though. not the one that i use for anything but looking purty, but it just suddenly had a big rip in the middle. *sigh*

i told one kid at work yesterday about gender stuff and it turned into a discussion of gender neutral pronouns and their practicalities/impracticalities with her and another coworker. fun times. i feel like at work i am the weird chatty dyke who's engaged and has a weird dislike of pretty names and pretentions about music. i hope to someday be accepted as the faggy little critter with the fun name.

today is errand and chore day. i need to get bins and take mail to the po and do the dishes and vaccuum and do laundry and take out the garbage and all of that. i also hope to go to zapp and also write letters and also curl up with many many earthytasting coffee beverages.

*listening to: violent femmes*
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