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*i will not kill the one thing that i love. 2003-12-17 1:03 p.m.*

i'm a bazillion years behind in mail and zineness... but puck makes buttons, and zines are my heart... so left shoe stomping grounds is in the making. stu wants me to sell his duct tape projects so that's exciting, and life feels good. i told james yesterday that i'm finally having that seattle life i dreamed of. i'm so excited about my new apartment and my love.

(our two songs are "joan of arc" by actionslacks and "fuzzy and blue" from sesame street. and one day i had fuzzy and blue in my head. but it went "fuzzy and blue doot doot doot fuzzy and blue doot doot doot bottom of shoe fuzzy and blue" and then we decided that that line about bottom of shoe wasn't in the song, but that i was thinking of that 70's show where fez made up the song to remember where his green card was "left shoe! my green card is in my left shoe!" and so left shoe has been in our heads and we were speaking of naming last night and even though johnny was originally my plan, left shoe is fun and funny and cryptic... and makes me think of the lefthanded world... and puck tells me that there are theoretically as many left handed people as there are queers. so it works.)

*listening to: violent femmes*
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