*new* *old* *me* *rings* *email* *host* *you* *notes* *best*
*interview* *tests*

*they say it's my birthday, well happy birthday to me. 2003-05-11 7:15 p.m.*

so, i turned 23 today.

i don't understand how that happened.

there will be a disney princess cake. soon i will discover which princess!

my presents thus far have been money for a plane ticket, a hand etched mirror from my middle through high school best friend, a lap dance that two friends bought me, a free lap dance from another stripper, a number of stripper kisses and boobies in the face, and a vibrator that respons to sound.

*listening to: *
<<< | >>>

*<<<<<* *<<* *<* | *>* *>>* *>>>>>*
*random* *list*