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*back. 2002-07-18 9:01 p.m.*

back from wisconsin. the house is clean! and i got to go grocery shopping right when i got back, woo! and my kitty is alive and affectionate and loves her very first catnip toy ever (it's called "ken dog" and can apparently wear barbie clothes. my mom bought it for her). so much happened in wisconsin, so much of it that i will be thinking about a lot. (it's so weird when you visit people who represent the two polar opposite sides of your personality right after each other.) but yeah, not at all sure how to process it all even yet, so i will give you a top ten and a bottom ten list, but i'm not even sure if these will even be in any sort of order.

top 10

1. ella's deli with michael. it's a deli with a carousel in the front, for goodness' sake. inside, it's like how cars and music used to be and should be, with mechanical toys going everywhere. and a dessert menu as big as the regular menu.

2. oh, god, the satellite television (highlights include bob and carol and ted and alice (natalie wood wife swapping movie from 1969, with "what the world needs now is love sweet love" at the end... not to give anything away or anything), so much "daria" and "cosby show" and "the powerpuff girls," hbo sex shows).

3. the wedding being really beautiful and actually thinking the couple's going to make it.

4. the eau claire dells is just as beautiful as ever.

5. pizza fries! custard style ice cream! fresh lemonade! huge ass health food section in the supermarket.

6. drive-in movie in the back of colleen's pickup truck.

7. walking and talking with my aunt (she thinks a married couple that we're related to are both probably gay, so that was interesting. my one comment was "well, she does look like eleanor roosevelt.")

8. walking tour of wausau's churches with krista.

9. women's bookstore in madison.

10. having thesis reading directly address my thoughts.

bottom 10

1. social awkwardness (seeing people from high school at the wedding, trying to be all interesting with michael's friends and just saying lots of dumb shit, that kind of thing).

2. oh god, the satellite television (lowlights include hbo sex shows, storm playing the theme song part of the daria movie over and over again, the first half of moulin rouge making me so depressed and sobby that i couldn't fathom watching the second half.)

3. doing a lot of nothing.

4. seeing what i'm missing out by not being in madison.

5. religion being so poisonous and weird.

6. missing my kitty.

7. my cousin being a brat.

8. finding out that krista's mom was so excited when she lied and said she was ignoring my phone calls that she jumped up and down.

9. all the cute couples making me jealous.

10. coming home and finding out that the kidnapped girl the people on the plane ride were talking about is related to ericka.

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