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*interview* *tests*

*while attempting to lie to boys, john instead told god to bless america. 2002-07-03 6:11 a.m.*

i am sleepy, but not enough to sleep. but sleepy enough to believe that i can do nothing with my brain that's remotely academic. or deep. this entry will not pretend to be deep. good christ, when was the last time i wrote an entry that pretended to be deep. is that a sign of growing up? being to tired for depth pretention?

pretention? pretension? pre-tension. *giggles* i enjoy the words.

there is drama at work involving booths. i want this one booth. it's by a window, and the girl who sits there is leaving in a couple of weeks (actually, while i am in wisconsin). i requested the booth almost immediately after she put in her notice, because i'd already known she was leaving and just waited till she'd told them so i wouldn't wind up telling on her or anything, you know? but yeah, it starts crap, but i think the booth would be good for me. and not just window morale boosting, but because there's a guy who does a lot of surveys (people call him the golden boy) and who has a style i can actually stand unlike the allstars i'm currently surrounded with. many of the few tricks that i actually do have, i got from the one time i ever sat by him. so, see! see! it would be good. but now they tell me that i have to do more surveys (have more completes per hour) than i do right now to get that booth. i've got all these people, including a supervisor, on my side here, and it's become this strange little challenge to get this damn booth.

*sigh* yes. this is my life.

*listening to: *
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