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*my kitten eats envelopes and chirps. what does your kitten do? 2002-05-19 2:56 a.m.*

yeah... too much dairy in the pants. for the second night in the row. good christ my tummy's going to hate me forever and ever.

so yeah, last night, in lieu of going to work or laying in my bed moaning, i went to michael's where we watched movies and i drank too much keke. of course i did all this while laying on my back, but eventually, i couldn't really feel my back. just the keke. and keke and vodka and sprite is a fun time, but yeah, it's key lime cream liquer. very much of the dairy. some of the upset tumminess.

and yes, today after work, i did not get drunk, i got stuff together for the flea market and then went to campus and after much tenseness and weirdness and grumbliness and everything of the yuck, we finally settled in for hedwig and stuffed shells, which is always a good time. and then there was ice cream. so good, but now my tummy is wanging chung without my permission and i dislike it immensely.

i got 30 ounces of zine in the mail today. that's almost 2 pounds. how exciting is that? i need to make a few pounds of zine myself. i'm all out, and i have 6 or 7 people requesting copies so man, am i a rock star. it's all very exciting. now i have all sorts of ideas for more zineness.

and also craft project ideas that must be done in a week.

and guys, what was i thinking with the "growing my hair out" shit? i don't want long hair. i want short hair. i want short short short hair. super short hair. like john cameron mitchell's where it's short and sleepy and going every direction that kind of hair. i want sleepy boy hair, guys. so yeah, don't be surprised if i get excited about the scissors.

though, i got all excited about a hair thing i could do for graduation pcp... actually an entire outfit, but the hair thing involves my hair being like this and not sleepy boy hair, but rrr rrrrr guys, i want sleepy boy hair.

i have a sleepy person brain right now. i'm certain you can tell. i walked through the wall tonight and there was some dancing but not a lot of people i knew and not even bobentele dancing with the speaker, so i hopped the wall. i love hopping the wall. it's a fun time. and the ground was wet which was also a fun time. and no one honked at me or anything. i kind of looked scowly 'cause that's how my tummy felt, but i think it kept the meanies away. or maybe they were following the pimps and hoes party girls. who knows.

sleepy time is me. it's sort of like the tea. that rhymes. anybody want a peanut?

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