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*you're already in there. i 2001-11-26 2:45 p.m.*

i went to bed listening to tori last night and had a nightmare about criminals chasing me around the house and didn't get out of bed until bloody 1 o' clock. and despite all that, i find myself in a good mood. like, a remarkably good mood. in that way, where you aren't sure if you're really really happy, or just much happier than you'd been in ages, but it doesn't matter, because you ARE happier than you've been in ages. at least in this moment at this time.

and the tori continues, but in a soft comfortable, under the pink way. this is a comfort album for me. and i feel so refreshed from my sleep. for once in a long time i don't feel like i could have really gotten more sleep. and i did some work after i woke up. and now i'm off to campus to do more work, get a hug, and play with the wonderful jennifer connelly who will feed me, yay!

*listening to: *
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