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*buy a shirt (or boxers, woo!) 2001-11-12 4:36 p.m.*

yes, so, um, this is why i should not be left alone with with a computer for very long. you should buy a shirt. i know they're pricey, but that's just $.51 over the base price. (addendum, 5:03pm. i have done no academic work today. however, i have played racquetball and made "art" for shirts. therefore a shower and naked nap will be had.) (post-shower addendum, 5:12 pm. perhaps my next poll should be "who should be most disturbed by diary mentions of naked naps, masturbation, etc? my housemates my friends my ex-girlfriend. the thing is, these people actually know me, so it should come as no shock, surprise, or disturbance, really. right?)

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