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*I only ask because I'm a real cunt in spring You can rent me by the hour I know all about the ugly pilgrim thing Entertainers bring May flowers 2001-11-05 7:52 p.m.*

i'm having a real down day. i kind of sulk around, not sure if i'm looking for something to cheer me up or someone's day to ruin with my gloom.

no, it's not quite that bad. i'm just feeling very very sad today, and i don't know why and i don't want to figure it out. i just want to lie on my bed and mope. and some head petting would be nice, too.

i did have some fun times though, with jennifer connelly and james. i'm glad i have those girls in my life, as sad as i can sometimes get. and i'm glad that i was able to help james feel better, because it's hard to see her so down. it's hard to see anyone so down as we all are, feeling that all our efforts in the ave situation have been for naught. helplessness sucks ass. i guess i haven't been entirely helpless today because i made a person or two feel better, and it appears that i am cheering up a kitten, so i should be cheerier. and i even put all my bedroom garbage in a garbage bag, so that's one step in the "room cleaning" effort. but i'm just sort of down, kind of wondering if coming home so early was a good idea. i think it's too late to take a nap.

i want to move my house into penishenge. or maybe the crotch? (you're right, oilly, i do say the most foul things... but with such gusto and joy!)

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