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*introducing the nonsense universe and our inner children. 2001-11-23 11:36 p.m.*

welcome to nonsense universe. i'm queen. don't worry too much, i'm mainly just a figurehead, but i have decreed that there be no beheadings, burnings at the stake, or poisoned dresses, and i have vetoed the religious strife bill.

jennifer connelly is duchess, and her cat is the duke, but she appears to be having a fling with pro-life, the jungle boy.

my secret agent lover cat and suede are princesses in our universe, and mojo is a prince. suede works as a guard with puck, who is also a street urchin, and secret's lesbian lover.

james is the bearer of the sword and keeper of general order and tidiness. milkdud is the keeper of the keeper of general order and tidiness.

#1 is enchantress. catnipboy is our knight and jester. he protects us and makes us laugh, and protects us by making us laugh.

my sexy elf mom is our superhero, and asia is our medicine woman. she makes everyone who enters the universe bisexual (we have a sort of free love thing going on). young jesus is a monk, but not to worry, he can have sex. he also doubles as a monkey with expressive dog eyebrows. our pantheon includes all of us, angelina jolie, and audrey hepburn (they alternate days as goddesses).

boomer and oilly are our beloved servants. oilly's mute and can communicate in writing, and boomer's secret power is his ability to tell us if we should read what oilly writes, depending on what mood we're in. oilly has a halo of smidge kittens. weird elf is the universal chew toy.

laurel tree is our librarian and all around cool chick. in the library are the works of oilly and the rogue poet who's trying to woo the queen.

i'm 5 years old. jennifer connelly is 16 with a 13 year old inner brat. james is an 8 year old boy, as is catnipboy. young jesus is 6 or 7 and so's boomer. oilly's 10. laurel tree is a mischievous 9 year old girl.

addendum 1:15 am:

oh, and the universe has a meteor shower once a month, and all day beforehad there's a big festival with lots of food and dancing.

and speaking of meteor showers, i want to see a movie where claire danes, clea duvall, angelina jolie, fairuza balk, and a very feminine looking christian bale all have sex on the beach during a meteor shower. and i will eat c'est la vie desserts and watch the movie... and explode.

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