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*you can't avoid her she's in the air (in the air). 2001-06-02 1:50 p.m.*

so yeah, i suddenly thought of something last night that tied those two entries together. it's weird the way my brain works, the way it skips things and goes back...

so, that neighbor girl, the one who wrote the speech about my house burning down, was in my 4th grade class. 3rd grade, too, maybe, posssibly even 2nd. anyway... her favorite movie was dirty dancing and i'd go over to her house all the time and we'd have dance parties. which always ended with her humping me on the couch, me getting scared, and running home. but i'd come over again the next day.

my parents sometimes picked us up from the bus stop, and she'd grope me in the backseat, and i'd yell, "mom, make her stop touching me! it's not a good touch!" but the whole thing was fascinating at the same time.

anyway... i have an interview at target on monday. i'm not entirely sure how i'll get there. heh.

kitten is very very very asleep on my bed. she kept getting into our lunches today so we put her in my room. and she did her "i'm DYING!" meows, but we didn't take much notice. finally after lunch, i let her out, and it turns out that she'd been stuck in here with one of the grown-up cats. i wouldn't be surprised if he WAS picking on her.

mom and i watched billy elliott today. she saw it in the theatres while i was in england, but i hadn't seen it. it takes place near durham, so i had to go in my room and get my box of england stuff and find my durham postcards. i could have sworn i had a book about the cathedral, too, but i don't know where that is. so after the movie, i showed my mom all the photos she hadn't seen yet and all my postcards from the cities and art galleries.

i enjoyed the movie a lot, though. a big part of it was the accents and the houses and just that kind of stuff, but i would have enjoyed it if it wasn't in england, i think. i loved the scenes with his best friend. at one scene my mom was telling me how she was crying and the person she was with kept looking at her. but yeah, yay queer little boys!

after the movie mom and i had a really good talk about the faith she had been raised with and her "spiritual coming of age" or whatever you want to call it, and we talked about her parents and how they're very very smalltown wisconsin, and how they had rough lives and that informs a lot of what they believe and why they're concerned i might go to hell if i'm anything other than a christian in the same way they are. and we talked about my perfection complex and i told her that i used to think i was the reincarnation of jesus christ ("personally, i think everyone is. nobody's perfect, but in a way we are."). and i cried of course. it's funny how that just happens. it won't even really affect anything about the conversation, i'll just have tears streaming down my face. but it was a really good talk, and i think we're back on the same page again.

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