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*the cat gave me a hicky. 2001-05-15 5:49 p.m.*

yeah... so i did a check to see if campus green's car was in the 15 minute parking lot and it is and i talked to her and she's giving me a ride to cook hall so we can go to faith and solidarity at visiting professor's house. so i'm taking the time to write a quick entry.

i'm not supposed to tell anyone, but we're getting gooey. it's ridiculous. we were in marriott tonight (and there were 2 fellow diarylanders there) and i commented on how disgusting we were getting.

when i visited campus green we talked about the, um, large red, um, bruise on my neck, and she said how her friend has way more of such things now that she's with girl than she did with guys. what does it mean?

so many people are getting diaries... including my elfmom and the girl's roommate. it's so crazy. i love it!

so, yeah, we're having way too good of a time with each other, and it's making doing productive things very very difficult. and i have the choice now between doing class reading or reading the sweetest note ever, and for some reason, i do not choose class reading.

i talked to gnome today about dropping the class and he was way too understanding. he kept asking if i wasn't sure i wanted to just incomplete it, but honestly, i don't see myself writing these papers ever and i'd rather not have them hanging over my head. he still says to wait till the end and see how i feel.

in the middle of class i went to get tissues because i'm allergic to pei and i had a great talk with visiting professor about all sorts of things, including how much she will be missed.

oh, i can't focus. la la la.


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