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*call adam. 2001-05-22 11:12 a.m.*

note to self: visit highschoolalumni.com and call adam. i really should use code names, 'cause that's what i have been doing, but bleh, i don't want to. but yeah. i got some spam that got me to go to highschoolalumni and sign up, and i was paging through the names and saw adam was there, and that was so exciting that i actually emailed him. that was months and ages ago, but yeah, i just got this email from him saying i should call him and all that. that's way exciting for me.

i had a crush on adam in high school. a very... asexual crush, as they all were, but a crush nonetheless. it actually didn't even start until like the last week of school, but he's a really interesting boy. i spent a lot of time being so scared of myself, etc., that i was rather scared of him. he was the valedictorian (rhs didn't believe in valedictorians, but if we had one, adam would be it), and an alcoholic, and cynical as all hell. we were in academic olympics together, and he played guitar and after we graduated i asked him to teach me to play guitar. i tried to be all girly and giggly, but despite that we still had fun. but yeah, one of the most exciting points of my two years at riverview was when he signed my yearbook and said i was one of the very few people at school he respected. i think that was when the crush started. it got even more exciting when he graduated. the boy had so many fucking cords it was ridiculous. he was involved in so many things. and hated them all. and so when he graduated... he graduated cordless. it was very exciting.

i make him sound all like angsty and shit. i don't think so. he wasn't like, "my life is miserable," he was just like, "i'm smart and high school people are dumb." which was how i was like, except i was an obnoxiously good kid.

but yeah... laureltree is back and i should give up her computer, but i do want to tell you all that we spent 5 hours at visiting prof's house last night. it was a fabulous time. that woman is great and i'm going to miss her lots and lots. we all had such a good time and she gave james clothes, including the dress she met her husband is. weeeeee fun!

k.... going.

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