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*michael, look, they're signing you're guestbook. you're too cool! 2001-05-14 6:04 p.m.*

so, i'm dropping a class. isn't that funny? it's kierkegaard and tillich. what's particularly funny about the whole thing is that i think it's my favorite class. but i have 25 pages of writing due tomorrow, and although i think about k and t a lot, it's usually more personal than academic, and if it's academic it's all confused and just still very early thoughts. the main reason i rarely talk in class is because if i enjoy something and really think about it, it takes me ages to put those thoughts into words. which is why my papers bite-- they're too preliminary in the whole thinking process. i've seriously had really exciting breakthroughs about classes that have been over for a year. the scary thing is that it's with the current advisor who's supposed to sponsor my isp and be on my bacc committee next year, and i'm scared he's going to hit me or something. um, no. but yeah. it's scary. but he told me to find the joy. he will be fine with it. he will be fine with it. so there.

michael, i just don't know. it's hard to say. considering that it's just started and all that. i'm not comfortable with saying that just yet. but it's way nice and i feel all gooey, so who knows. and yeah, i talked to refreaka today, about her excitement that i've "converted" someone.

"your dog keeps licking my nose and chewing up all those letters."

the girl thinks it's funny that i'm so gushy and telling everybody all about it and stuff. but hey, i can't help it. i'm happy. maybe she's right. maybe if i did have a tail i'd wag it.

we're both in jewish mysticism and i made this girl sit next to her before i got there so that i wouldn't, because i thought that if i did, i'd do something embarassing. we kept looking at each other though and making goofy faces. rabbi went and talked to a student at one point of class and some people were talking to each other. so i wrote her a note and ran over and pretended i was talking to the girl next to her and put the note on her desk. after class, we came here to nap, but no napping was accomplished. darn it.

"tinky winky dipsy laa laa po teletubbies teletubbies say hello."

i'm such a freak. but it's okay. in fact, it's good.

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