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*they call me a sex machine. mm. 2001-05-07 11:19 p.m.*

headache says rar in my head. rar i say back.

i took a nap today and dreamt that i was im-ing lisa frank and i said something that involved my real full name and as i was typing my last name i thought, "well, now she'll definitely know who i am." it was pretty funny.

after nap, i went to the winds squared squared with my secret agent lover cat. i've decided that she thinks of my big stuffed dog as mom. she purrs whenever she's on it and she kneads it as well. so i decided to see what she thought of travelling with dog. she was much more quiet and calm during that walk than she usually is, so that was exciting. i ran into sex ed, who from afar asked me if "it was going to be allright?" i looked at her confusedly and then she realized that no i was not just a crazy girl carrying a giant stuffed dog, there was a kitten hiding among the fur. she looked embarassed, but then cooed all over the kitten. our hands touched. i feel so dirty feeling this way about a professor. but man! refreaka and michael saw her at the independence thing and they said she was standing against a column tossing her hair and looking all modelrific. how does she exist? she gave me my paper but made no mention of the fact that i was not in class today. i was expecting horrible comments on the paper but she seemed to like it. yay.

i hung out at winds squared squared for awhile, and kitten slept and was popular.

then we went to get jennifer connelly and crushgirl for a dessert party in the crotch. i discovered my period in jennifer connelly's room and borrowed feminine hygeine products. i hope to jesus mary and joseph that the period is gone by may 11 (e-cards are acceptable).

the dessert party was exciting, and afterwards we played with crushgirl's kitten. on the way back to my room, michael told me that there was some definite flirting going on. oh why oh why must i be so tortured by cute girls!

crushgirl did tell me that she didn't want to engage in kissing games, but michael said we should just get her all liquored up and then we'll see. it's exciting all the people who seem excited about the party. eht even said he wants to come, but he has his ex-girlfriend's party in tampa to go to. but that he'd rather come to my party. and patrick hippy wants to come, too. he thanked me for the invitation, and i told him he didn't have to come if he didn't want to and he said of course he wanted to come. yay patrick hippy!

michael and refreaka and i were talking about how i want to get it videotaped and how we should do that and the new plan is that michael and refreaka are to get crushgirl to get visiting professor to come to the party and be "mom" and film it. i think that would be exciting. or if visiting professor and sex ed played my 2 moms.

i keep going through random diaryrings and trying to find things that strike my fancy. very few do. the only person on my diaryring hunt that i've really liked is minnaloushe so you should read her.

i feel sneezy and yucky. i wish i felt like i could open the window but i think that might be bad with kitten. she might crawl out. but i think i'm allergic to my a.c.

2 questions:

what does it mean when someone puts an invitation to their art show with a good vibrations catalogue under your door?

what does it mean when you tell a person that your kitten finds your lips tastier than food and she says that maybe the kitten just knows what's better?

feel free to answer these in the ol' guestbook.

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