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*aren't i so saintly? no. 2002-06-03 3:40 p.m.*

bleh. hot weather is not my friend. especially when it's hot and gray. who needs that shit? not me, i say.

i went to campus to run some errands and the original plan was pool lounging time, but it's not weather i wanted to be out in any longer than i had to be.

in the church lawn that i cut through, there's a crumpled soccer net. and today, i saw something moving in it, so i went over to see what was up. it was a bird, trying so hard to get through those holes that were just big enough for her head to fit through. she panicked even more as i approached (though i was trying to say soothing things, though i wound up just saying, "no, baby, no, baby, no, it's okay, you'll be okay, baby."), but when i released her head from the netting she hopped right out the other side and flew away, so that was exciting.

so, yeah, i walked to campus, and made a copy of my learner's permit. wee, fun. and then i went to the mail room, and got my package, which was a big envelope full of zines. so that was exciting. but i was so hot and sweaty, i went to the bookstore to get a sobe drink. my exgirlfriend was working there, and we got to talk a little bit, which was nice, because usually i'm really skittish and weird when i see her. but it was really nice, actually. i was still a little skittish, and when someone else came in, i sort of scampered away, but it was our most unawkward conversation in ages.

(mm... a livejournal person sent me a mix cd and it's got melissa ferrick's drive, which i'd never heard before, and it's so yummy, and it's on now. "pussy manifesto" is also on here. woo!)

i walked back to ham center to check my mail, but there was nothing there, so i cooled off on the couches watching tom and jerry with one of the maintenance men. that was fun. m.i.t. came by and we talked a bit too. he went to drown his sorrows in pinball, and i finished my sobe, and walked home.

such a hot day! boo!

i'm trying to be good, and only update once a day. my life is not so interesting, but it's so tempting to update when bored. but yeah, for everyone's sanity, i'm going to try and just update this one time each day. all other rambliness goes in the lj.

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