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*"john, not because of any sort of heatherstrip obsession, but i got a lisa frank planner." 2001-08-25 4:09 p.m.*

wow! 2 entries in a row! can you handle it? of couse yesterday's was 2 lines long, but still.

john's waiting to use the phone cord, but fuck it, i want to update. i haven't really had a whole lot of online time, and i'm waiting anxiously for dsl.

but i'll try and be brief.

i have no real idea what i'm doing this semester. i have some vague ideas for classes i want to take, but nothing really appeals. and michalson's not teaching anything and i apparently am not on his advisee list, but hopefully he'll be my advisor, or else i really don't know what to do with myself. the man doesn't even know i want to be a minister. we need to talk.

i flipped out because i didn't know how i was going to pay rent and our power deposit, but i'm getting money from my dad. i feel weirdly guilty about the whole thing, but i also feel like i deserve money. and he really wants to buy me a bicycle.

jennifer connelly is back and i nearly pissed myself with excitement when i saw her. i'm so happy she's back! we've all missed her so much! i hope we can play lots and lots.

and i saw buttercup and alongcamea which was of course very exciting, and i got a ride from blackbird one night, and i had bonding time with laurel tree at walmart of all places. and i think i'm making the boy really impatient so i will go.

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