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*i'm wearing a soaking wet hoodie, but life does not suck. 2001-09-10 12:44 p.m.*

i'm trying to remind myself that i like cats. but right now i'm not a very big fan. which is sad, because i do like cats. 99.9% of the time i love cats. but this is apparently that .1%.

the housing guy is doing walkthroughs of people's rooms, which means that i'm taking care of james' cat until that's all done. which i don't mind at all, in theory. i love milkdud, i love cats, it shouldn't be a problem.

except when you get her kitten and my kitten together, you have 2 kittens that fight in the bathroom on the desk in my bed running across the floor running into doors yowling and growling and a very pissed off non-sleeping me. i missed greek today because i just couldn't get out of bed. this is not my usual "i can't get out of bed, because, um... my right pinky toe hurts a little bit," this is "i can't get out of bed because i don't think i slept more than an hour last night."

james had suggested that if there was a problem, i should put milkdud out to play with my husband's cat, but all he did was stick his paw under my door and meow. it was a little quieter and i may have been able to sleep with it, but it would have been heard by the entire house, and i'd rather not have a whole household of people that don't like cats.

i feel bad writing about this here, because chances are, james will read about it before i get a chance to talk to her about it. but i need to write about it right now, and you have no idea how much it has already helped my mood. i'm still very very sleepy but i'm a bit happier.

this morning was pretty frustrating though. when i did get out of bed, it was raining, so i really didn't want to bike to school, but i really want to get this damn isp done. fortunately nathan was driving to school, so we put my bike in his trunk and drove here, and even though the trunk door kept flying out, the 3 of us made it here safe.

i walked the bike to the b-dorm bike rack and tried to lock it up, but for some reason my bike lock was stuck open. it looks like some sort of mold or something is in it and that's the problem, but i stood their, pissed off in the rain, trying to get the damn thing to close. after a long time and a few hand cramps i got it to close. i hope i can get back into it when i need to leave.

my life really isn't so bad, but you know how grumbly things make you when you haven't gotten enough sleep. and already palmer a is wreaking havoc on my sinuses.

but i finally got to go see hedwig (with james and jennifer connelly and michael to boot, yay!) and it was soooo good! it was one of those movies that i could see myself watching a lot if i got it on video, which actually doens't happen with a lot of movies for me. and i want the soundtrack, bay-bee.

and michael and i hung out last night and talked, which is something that's been very rare of late. but we had a good time. i get worried off and on about the state of our friendship, but it's times like that that make me realize it's silly to worry.

and my wall tapes are all done, and guys it's going to rock the casbah. it's going to be the best wall ever. i swear to you. so you should come. yyyes.

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