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*the kitten part is the most interesting part, actually. 2001-06-14 9:08 p.m.*

i am wearing my slinky slink kmart nightie, and my snow queen white fuzzy robe, because the slinky slink nightie makes me cold at first. kitten starts purring if she's on anything at all fuzzy, so i'm leaving it on for awhile, though i'm actually getting kind of toast. she's curled up in this position in my lap that can't possibly be comfortable, and looking at the side of my face. oh. she moved. and she's watching me type. now she's giving me the trusting innocent eyes face. now they squint, and she looks like she may sleep but then she glares about my hands moving so much. the ac comes on and she gets curious about it, but her eyes keep squinting.

we've decided good new nicknames for her are champ and loopdy lou. my mom and my greatest common ground i think are our cats.

i wonder if people come here and say "what is she writing about today and find the kitten intros and say "another kitten entry" and leave. 'cause there'll be more.

i went to training this morning. mom woke me up around 6:30, but i didn't get out of bed until she left for work at 7, and then i tried to get my cd player to work, but it refused. i wanted to listen to a cheesy dance cd that i got in england (it has "much mambo (sway)" on it. which i HEART!), to get me to actually move. so i brought it into the living room and got it to work there, but that cd player is temperamental volumewise. but it finally worked out and i had a nice shower. mom's st. ives vanilla shampoo, her st. ives pear conditioner, her burt's bees peppermint bath soap.

i get done with the shower but am not hungry so i go online to pass the time until the bus. but when i get to the bus stop i get all worried that i missed the bus, etc., etc. i stand there a good 20 minutes, but finally the bus comes. and i'm not sure when this changed from past tense to present.

i like bus rides. i get to read and i go someplace. i had to transfer once which was silly. but although there's a 20 minute wait between buses, the other bus was there, and i got to sit in its airconditionedness for those 20 minutes. i got dropped off on the opposite corner from the shopping center, and so i had to cross 41, which is always a joy and a pleasure.

i went to publix and got a sub and a sobe drink. i ate half the sub outside, and read for awhile. i felt like i was loitering, and i saw a laundromat and thought mauybe i could read in there because it might be cooler than inside, but i got nervous walking by, thinking they'd think i was loitering. so i wandered to this weird creek thing in the back of the parking lot and read for awhile, but i was sweating like crazy. i finished my book and went to publix again. i peed. i got a pen and notebooks and another drink (a 17 cent publix cherry coke) and peed again, because i have the bladder of a 2 year old. while i was in there like 25 women came in and out, and i was taking my time trying to stay in the ac as long as possible. i took the pen and paper out of the packaging, which i figured was all suspicious or something. and then i left.

i wandered around the video place next door for a couple of minutes and then went towards work. the manager was checking the mail so we talked before i went in. there were some people there including airline attendant girl. and after awhile labret piercing boy showed up. and the girl with the 3 month old son. and this other guy from my interview. there were other friendly looking people there, as well. we filled out some papers, including one that asked us about our hobbies and stuff. i can never think of stuff to fill out for those. "reading, writing" is usually what i fill out, but there's so much more that i do. but i can't really think of how to put my life onto those lines. we went around and introduced ourselves, and she asked what we did for fun. "well, when it's summer, i basically just read." and write in my online journal and do tarot readings and watch movies and check my email obsessively and play with my kitten and write letters and masturbate and listen to music and daydream and look at myself in the mirror a lot more than in the school year and make myself journals with liberal sayings on them and complain about my life and worry about what my mom thinks of me and try to think of fun stuff to do. but i said i read. she's like, "that's cool. my sister reads."

it's very... normal. she talked about people cutting chicken with the shears and no one looked disgusted, and she asked us girls what we like when a boy asks us out ("is it confidence?" "yeah."), and we have this assignment for tomorrow and whoever comes up with the most names gets to sit in her leather chair. leather gives me the creeps, but thanks.

but you know, i was revelling in my sexy glasses, so i didn't care too much.

it was 6 hours, but she said it was the boring day. i hope so because tomorrow is 7. we practiced certain parts of the demo. i practiced with the boy across from me. he is 18, and his birthday is may 7, and he has lots of siblings.

and then i came home. and had 3 letters all from james, which i went into the quiet of my room to read. and then i went online and she was there and we talked for a bit. and then i had dinner, and a 2 hour headache inducing nap. i watched about 45 minutes of austin powers, and now i'm writing this entry. what a fascinating day.

oh, and thank you sam mulder for signing my guestbook. i always wonder if you mean to stay on my notify list and stuff, because i know so little about you and i doubt you can be interested in my life. i feel odd having ks people on my notify list because i think they expect me to be all goodness and anne light, but it's cool that you've stayed so long. take care. tell me about yourself sometime.

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