*new* *old* *me* *rings* *email* *host* *you* *notes* *best*
*interview* *tests*

*If you have problems printing, please notify the lab administrator. After hours, please consult the troubleshooting manual that is sitting by the printer. 2002-04-01 4:34 p.m.*

yes, so i'm feeling entirely inept at life today. i was doing okay, or doing so little that it seemed okay, but in the last 15 minutes i have been the bobo-tardiest. (late and bobo. that's a bad combination.)

i woke up early-ish and did my online stuff and saw that prof. gnome said we could have a meeting at 2, so i decided to kill time at the 4 winds, because i basically live there. so i went to campus, cutting through ham center to see if anyone was in the cafeteria to chat with, but for some reason it had taken me like 12 hours to leave my house, so i didn't make it to campus until like 12:45. and then i went to the 4 winds, ate, drank sweet cold things, and read until 1:40, when i got antsy and decided to do a few errands near prof. gnome's office. so i went and read the eval for my isp that i never got, picked up a thesis prospectus form (it's a long boring story as to why i haven't filled out one of those yet, but if you really want to know, i'll tell you), turned in some financial aid stuff... and it was 1:45. so i came to the palmer a lab and read my email and stuff and had my little meeting. we talked about my isp and what was good and what was bad, and he recommended books for my thesis and i asked him how his time off was going and then i went back to the four winds. i had more cold sweet beverages and tried to get ahold of michael and read more, but got kind of antsy, so decided to go sit outside, but that was less exciting than i'd thought, so i thought maybe life would be exciting and new in the 4 winds, but except for listening to shavid and delly, i pretty much repeated the pattern of before. then i decided i should visit retro, because i thought that this was when her hours were for being a t.a., but when i walked past the anthro lab i saw no bike and the door was closed-ish, and so i had an attack of the shy (michael and i were mistaken about her t.a. hours one other time and found ourselves staring through the anthro lab doors at a class), so walked past it, and decided that i would walk to the bay, but before i even got to college hall, i realized how stinky the bay still was, and so i turned back and decided to go to the palmer a lab again. on the way here, i think i forgot how to walk. i was walking through the grass, but suddenly, it wasn't grass, but instead a pile of sand, so my ankles turned inwards and i almost fell down, and then i took like three more steps and turned one ankle the other way on a pinecone. my ankles feel fine, but i don't know if i should be walking, nonetheless. then, when i got here, i managed to jam my thumb between the desk and my leg, and that hurts more than my ankles... but i think i will live.

*listening to: *
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