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*good morning. 2001-06-03 1:21 p.m.*

nice lazy day. i woke up when my alarm went off kind of annoyed to have whatever dream i was having cut off, though i immediately forgot what it was about. i got up, showered, read the comics, and ate kix. i went across the street to venice united church of christ and listened to the service. it was exciting because there are 2 pastors, a man and a woman. everyone was really friendly and i stayed talking to members of the congregation and the female pastor until they were turning off the lights to signal the end of coffee hour. i came back home and the spice girls were on saturday night live, and that was fun because some of them look so different now and you could just see how excited they were by their newfound fame, and how i heart sporty. *laughs* (i bought northern star for the pictures.) i had fake chicken nuggets for lunch and i've been reading awhile. it's good.

ucc is the church i was basically raised in. we never found the right church for us in florida, but in wisconsin, my mother's family moved from mt. calvary lutheran church to peace united church of christ, and i remember sunday school and "moments with children" there from a very young age. the few years that i lived there, i was part of the youth groups and choirs. i got confirmed in one year, when i was in 9th grade, because the tradition is to be confirmed when you're in 8th grade after 2 years of classes, but we moved up to wisconsin in 9th grade. it's a nice, accepting church. i went to an amnesty conference at a ucc in miami my 1st year here and they had stuff on their wall about a member of the congregation who won awards as a drag queen and i liked that. it is a big too exclusively christian for my taste, and i couldn't bring myself to sing the last verse of one of the hymns, which was about following false teachers and worshiping jesus christ only, but i really did enjoy the service. and even though i think i was at least 30 years younger than the next youngest person there, i felt really welcomed. i have noticed that, though. people love to have me in their churches, because i'm so young and that's exciting to them.

so, yes, so far it has been a very nice day.

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