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*roller coaster ride 2001-04-28 8:22 p.m.*

in beau sia's journal he said, "miss her thighs," and all i have to say is me, too. not the same her, but yeah. thighs... nice things. *dramatic sigh*

anyway... it's been a shitty kind of day. i woke up pre-alarm at 11 today, and felt all awake and everything and was thinking of all the stuff i need to do today because i'm behind in everything in the world, and that's no good when you're taking six classes. and then the alarm went off. and i was puzzled because i did not remember setting my alarm at all and why i would have. but then i remembered that i was going to see last knight at 1. so i went and had brunch and then saw the play which was good, but kind of your standard i'm-on-death-row-and-these-are-my-thoughts kind of thing. and then i was really tired so i decided i would take a nap and then get down and dirty with the homework.

kids, i lay in bed for 3 hours and didn't sleep a bit. i just got grumpy. and then mom came over to bring me my mail, and i asked her to drive me across the road to marriott so i could get food, but i got there too late and she was gone, and i thought i was going to cry. but crushgirl gave me her soup which i didn't like all that much, but i ate all the carrots out of, and then i called bonnie and she took me to get groceries, and that was nice of her.

"and the town's so small there is no escape from view."

but the point is that i just didn't get enough sleep and i didn't do any work, and i'm not happy with things. and my light isn't working still, so i had to read all my mail by flickering computer light. why is life so hard!!!!!?

but the mail was good. i got a letter and my pj harvey cd that she forgot to return to me from an english friend. i have this big stack of oh so american shite and the ani difranco bootleg to send her, but i owe so many people copies of the bootleg and my tape recorder does not work. and a northern sun catalogue (my mom owns the don't assume i cook shirt to go with nc's pride symposium's don't assume i'm straight shirt). and and and.... this is the most exciting part. i got scholastic book order catalogues!!! whoever said that honesty was the best policy does not know the joy that comes of being a college student who told scholastic that she was a homeschool mom with kids of all ages. that's all i can say.

my back is crunchy. my life is so hard.

maybe it would be better if i didn't get falling down drunk last night. oh it was a disappointing experience, too. i liked the wall, but i wasn't too excited by most of the people there, and those who i was most excited about seeing did not seem excited by seeing me. so i went to go whinge to cool grown-up jennifer connelly and she gave me water. bottled water! water that she's paid for! that seemed like the nicest thing in the world. she walked me home and i think i was taking 3 steps for every one of hers, though i felt like i was going in slow motion or something. and then i went to bed. and then i woke up and ran to the bathroom to vomit, but fortunately didn't vomit, and then i went back to bed, and then i ran to the bathroom again, but brought my brita pitcher with me so i could refill it after i went to the bathroom, so i did that and then drank lots of water and went back to bed. anyway... that's why i'm grumbly and tired and blech-y today.

but hey life's okay because i just did the teletubbies selector and got laa-laa, which used to be my sissy's name for me.

last night, before the drunken revelries i went and saw oleanna which was being performed by two nc students, and then mud at the theatre next door. both were really good, but i felt really emotionally drained by the end of it all. great time to start drinking i'd say.

i keep meaning to write a "definition of a rock star" entry, but i'm feeling self-conscious about the dullness of this evening's writing style so i think this entry will end now. buh-bye.

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