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*distro 2004-02-15 10:12 a.m.*

i quit my job. not the smartest move ever, but soooooooooo necessary.

in other news, the distro is up now!!!! here!!!!!

it's a little bumpy but you will love us and we will love you and it will be grand in our happy family very soon. but yeah, right now it is the cubbie and aubrey show-ow-ow! as far as zines go, but more things will be up soon. and guess what! issue number 8/9 of the special people's club exists! be the first on your block to get it!!!! and then tell everyone else on your block (prison block?) to get one, too!!!!!!Apollo

read the order info first!!!!!!

free shipping till the 18th!!!!! order! do it now!!!!


*listening to: tiny sleep noises.*
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