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*i suppose it would be inappropriate to call this revenge. 2003-05-26 2:39 p.m.*

oh ho! there was another highlight i forgot to mention, though i KNEW there was something i'd meant to write about that i was forgetting.

there is a certain boy who graduated last year, who i used to be basically best friends with. for MAYBE 3 months-- the first semester of my new college career. and then there was a falling out and there has been no speaking for a loooooooooong time.

he graduated last year and was in town this year for his girlfriend's graduation, and was at pcp. i've been giving out buttons that say "jasmine had a crush on me" and i decided to brave things and give him one, to be historically accurate.

i said, "i know we haven't been on the best of terms but there's something i need to give you." and it wasn't until then that i realized how drunk he was because he very pleasantly asked me what it was. i handed him the button but he was too drunk to read it so i told him what it said. he said, "that's actually very cute." and i smiled and blew him a kiss.

and he blew me a kiss back.

*listening to: dead kennedys - "terminal preppy"*
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