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*life used to be lifelike. 2003-04-04 1:13 a.m.*

tomorrow there will be office supplies in the land. so i can send out more of my fabulous clothes to lucky people who have sent me money for them. i've gotten $55 so far, and more money is coming in, and more auctions are still finishing up, and i'm anticipating right around $100 which isn't bad, i think.

office supplies will also facilitate the printing of issue #4 of my zine. an issue that i'm admittedly feeling rather squeamish about. i'm doing interesting things with it, visually, but textually, it feels strange. i feel like i've been in very much of a fog for months and months now and i think my zine reflects that, a lot. but i drew my own cover, and there will be some fun color of card stock involved.

i had a really nice counselor appointment today. i felt uncrazy about a lot of things. which is nice. i wonder if that's part of why i go. to just have a professional not be terrified by my inner workings.

and i actually brought up gender stuff, which was, believe it or not, the first time i ever brought this stuff up with a counselor.

*listening to: "thunder road" - mary lou lord*
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