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*if i had cloven hooves and 4 stomachs, you could eat me. 2002-10-27 4:00 p.m.*

last night, we celebrated #1's birthday. we were going to go to the bahi hut, and i knew that, but when she called me to tell me when we were going to go, she asked if i wanted to go to cheetah. being the sexually frustrated, victoria's-secret-ad-oggling creature that i have become, i said, "hellz yeah!"

boobies! and pussy! and pretty pretty prettiness! and yeah, we both paid for lap dances, mmm... baby! poor #1 was trying to make conversation when we got there, and i kept just sitting there with my mouth open.

gar! i'm such a dork!

then there were 2 hours of annoying wandering that we won't get into, but, oh i had fun up in their room. so much giggling and drunkenness and elf being hella goofy and quotable.

but yeah, now i'm going to curl up in bed with my knitting and a book.

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