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*breathe on, sister, breathe on. 2002-10-20 3:56 p.m.*

i feel loyalty to this diary, because i started it first and things, and it's been here for me a lot, and yeah, diaryland's rad. but... i post at livejournal so much that this seems rather redundant. the few things i don't want to talk about over there, i don't want to talk about over here either (there really has been sort of a pendulum thing going on, as i post a lot about something over here, and then get that out of my system, and then there's something that i don't want some of my readers over here to know about so i write a lot about that over there, and then there's something that i don't want them to know about over there, so i post more over here... and right now, there's nothing that's keeping me away from here, except that everything comes out over there, so why write here). i'm keeping this diary, of course. and i'm going to renew my paid account. because who knows when i will need it again. but right now... i don't want to air all of my personal demons over here. too many people who know me in real life read this with too great regularity for me to feel all that comfortable writing the stuff i write to "strangers" over there, even though a lot of them know me in real life, or even cyberlife. but it's funny, because right now i don't mind if you travel over there and read, but there's something about the document that is my diaryland diary that makes me want to appear at least marginally sane and okay or something. who knows?

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