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*good times, bad food. 2001-05-06 5:47 a.m.*

i'm sleepy. i should be sleeping. i have a kitten on my lap who has been sleeping all night, so she will be awake soon, and i have not slept and oh the work to be done.

i don't really know what to start with. maybe that the kitten peed on me at dinner tonight in marriott. it was the first time she'd done anything by way of waste management since i got her and i had been getting concerned. i took her to marriott and we were talking to crushgirl and she fell asleep and suddenly there was warm wetness on my leg. so i had to change from dyke pants to sexy man towel skirt.

heather's thesis show thing was fun, but i was having chew on fingers social nervousness and i'd decided to leave the kitten alone in my room and i was getting nervous that she had somehow impaled herself on a can of spaghettios or something, so i kind of hung around the cupcakes. and chewed on my fingers. michael and i decided to leave and retrieve kitten and m.i.t. and van jogh (because we decided the boys would add endless amusement to any situation), but kitten was scared out of her mind and i didn't want to take attention from anything by having the cutest thing ever in my hands so i hung around outside for most of it. it was kind of exciting, though, because i had all these girls screaming. (note to self: kitten is a good way to pick up chicks... this becomes more relevant later in the evening i think) (note to heather: i overheard someone say to michael, about the atmosphere at your show: "you know that movie, but i'm a cheerleader? this is like that.")

so then we came back and i packed up kitten supplies and blankets and pillow and michael drove me to sudakoff for the exciting sleepover party. what a time what a time (we had a time). when i arrived jennifer connelly and crushgirl were sharing a blanket and i was like, "well this is going to be an interesting night." that sounds more like something was going on between them than what i meant which was that i realized that i wouldn't have to be acting all crushy and weird by running from friend to crush and back. we all got cozy and the neverending story started. michael left cuz those aren't her kind of movies, which was kind of saddening and i hope she had a good night and stuff. but yeah... neverending story is such a comfort movie for me. it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and like nothing can go wrong because i have an imagination and i can name the empress "montreal" if i want to. i was a little sad at the beginning because i was thinking about the first time i ever saw the movie which was with my dad's dealer's son, the boy who taught me about sex when we lived with him. we hadn't heard about him for awhile but there was recently a story in the paper that his child drowned in a pool and that was a big sad shock for my family because we didn't even know he had a kid. but the movie made things okay. i wish it was out on dvd. it's a movie i feel like i could get and watch over and over again.

after that was the dark crystal the first time i saw that movie, my best friend's older sister had a broken leg and we watched it at their house. i think i must have been scared but i don't remember that. it's one of the few movies in my meagre dvd collection (the others being the secret of nimh, life of brian, and willy wonka and the chocolate factory). it's got some beautiful stuff in it. yay jim henson + brian froud!

and then, speaking of jim henson + brian froud (+ toby froud + jennifer connelly + david bowie), we watched labyrinth, which was way exciting because jennifer connelly was right there next to me! actually, i didn't focus a whole lot on the movie. i was starting to get drowsy, and i also think this was when (though it may have been during the dark crystal) things started to get hot and heavy with the kitten and crush girl. jennifer connelly is agreeing with catnipboy's girlfriend that i should just go for it after witnessing our "let me kiss the kitten an inch from your fingers" shenanigans. it was pretty... it was... where you have to remind yourself to breathe, where you feel like she certainly wouldn't mind if you kissed that spot, right there, where you want to scream or cry or explode.

part of the fun of labyrinth was when they played the songs with subtitles. the fiery song is apparently "chilly down with the wild gang" rather than "with fire" like most of us had thought.

and then by the time the princess bride started she was sitting with catnipboy and i fell asleep. i sleep during the princess bride. it's part of what i love about it, as weird as that sounds. one part in the middle though, i had to run to the bathroom because of too much junk food. crushgirl came in while i was there and was very sympathetic but it was back where we were two normal girls instead of two strange little people using a kitten as an electrical conductor. but yeah, then it was back to sleep for the me, and when the movies were over i did not want to hike back to b-dorm. crushgirl left before jennifer connelly and i did and she kissed me on the head, which was much more exciting than it really deserved to be. and then after much cuddling with my secret agent lover cat, back to b-dorm.

oh, one fun bit of the evening was seeing alongcamea, and i know she already wrote about it, but yeah, i heart that girl and i miss her which is silly since we both live at school, but she lives in dort and i live in b-dorm which are miles and miles away. it's sad. i tried to hug her lots and lots because i was so excited to see her. i asked her how she was and she said, "you know." we talked about how weird this diaryland thing is for new college social relationships. it really is a strange thing.

okay, i've just listened to little earthquakes all the way through, it's past 6 in the morning (6 in the morning!) so i'm going to take the sleepy my secret to bed now. goodnight.

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