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*the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls 2001-10-28 7:46 p.m.*

last night really did have something magical about it, at points. that perfect moment where oilly said he was a snob, and i was wrapped in the perfect cuddle. and just the way that it seemed endless. that extra hour made the night seem magically unending, like we could all sit in that room forever, safe in our chatting.

it felt like things used to feel. i didn't realize my life was perfect. and now i don't want to put any expectations on my life, but it's not perfect in that safe way anymore. things have changed so much. while the rest of the world was flipping out about terrorists and war and anthrax, some of us were learning that even outside of that, life is not safe, hurricanes happen, trees fall, whether you kill the enemy or not.

*listening to: *
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