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*kitty litter. 2001-05-09 8:17 a.m.*

my secret agent lover kitty: mee! meeee! let me off the bed onto this pile of paper!

me: no, i really think that would be less exciting than you think.

my secret: but mom! it's right by the gar bage can!

me: that's what i was thinking. why don't you just cuddle with me?

my secret: it's the ground, mom! i have to see it! i haven't been on the ground over here before!

me: okay, but be good, and don't impale yourself on a q-tip!

my secret: mom, i'll be fine!

(scamper scamper scamper. rustle rustle rustle. scritch scritch scritch. scritch scritch scritch.)

me: scritch scritch scritch?

my secret: scritch scritch scritch.

me: does that mean you're using the litter box or eating it?

my secret: that's silly. when do i eat kitty litter?

me: yesterday.

my secret: i did? i forgot.

me: yeah, and i've never seen you use the litter box yet.

my secret: oh... well, you should look.

me: good job. can we go back to bed yet?

my secret: no. let me play a bit.

me: well there's nothing for me to do but update, since i'm obsessive about that.

(click click click. click click click.)

my secret: purr purr purr. look mom i'm purring! let's go nap.

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